11 of the Best Kitchen Plants for Your Home

Are you thinking about adding some indoor plants to your home or office? Here’s everything that you need to know about this possibility including the right way to ensure your indoor plants grow. This indoor plant guide will help answer…
Description If you are looking for easy care indoor plant that’s difficult to kill, look no further than the Devil’s Ivy. This trailing plant with its distinctly green and gold marbled leaves is a hardy houseplant that tolerates a wide…
When you first welcome new indoor plants into your home, it’s really easy to remember to water them, feed them, and make sure they’re getting enough sunlight. The plants are still new, so you don’t need to set any reminders for…
How to Take Care of Your Indoor Aloe Vera Plant Aloe vera is a popular indoor plant best known for its health benefits. Early Egypt was one of the first to discover its usefulness, dubbing it as the “plant of…