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image of women with indoor umbrella plant

7 Surprising Benefits of Indoor Plants for Your Health

Greenlife is growing throughout Australia. More than two billion plants were sold in Australia in 2019-20. That number may surprise you. But indoor plants provide a lot more benefits than a nice green colour for the eye. How do house plants help with air quality and your health? What can they do for your physical and mental health? What do you need to do to make the most out of the best indoor plants to benefit your health?
Answer these questions and you can promote your health through a few simple gestures. Here are seven benefits of indoor plants.

1. Better Air

Plants can help increase the air quality in several ways. As they engage in photosynthesis, they take in carbon dioxide while releasing oxygen. You can then breathe the oxygen in, providing fuel for your blood cells. This is the best benefit of bringing indoor plants into your home.
Plants are not limited to carbon dioxide. They can take in a number of airborne compounds, including carcinogens.
Smog and other airborne pollutants can add an odour to the air. This can make it harder for someone to breathe. Plants can remove these pollutants, allowing you to take complete breaths in total comfort.
Plants cannot work on their own. You should get large house plants and spread them throughout a room. Make sure their leaves are not covered with dust and give them adequate supplies of sunlight.

2. Decreased Stress

A 2017 meta-analysis analyzing 101 studies looked into the psychological benefits of common indoor plants. It found that being near a plant can make a person feel more relaxed.
This may be due to the removal of indoor contaminants. Pollutants like smog can spike blood pressure and induce a headache. Without those chemicals in the air, a person’s body is better able to relax.
The meta-analysis does not distinguish amongst different kinds of plants. You can stick to popular indoor plants like the yellow umbrella plant.
You can select a plant with a distinct smell like lavender. The scent can have its own calming effects, independent of its effects on the air.

3. Increased Productivity

The same meta-analysis found benefits for productivity. Students and workers who work with a plant near them are better able to focus on the task at hand. This may be due to the increased air quality or the calming effect of looking at a plant.
Select a plant that can go on or near your work desk. Then put it in a good bowl or pot so it does not fall over.
Put it on your table and keep it in the corner of your eye. If you need to take a short break, take it while looking at your plant.
A 2019 study examined the effects of plants on students in South Korea. It found that an actual plant improved focus, but an artificial plant or a photograph of a plant did not. You must put an actual plant on your desk in order to experience benefits from it.

image of home office with desktop computer and small indoor plants showing the health benefits of indoor plants

4. Easier Recovery

The calming effect of plants works for your body as well as your mind. Many people feel stressed out after an injury or illness. This can delay their recovery for some time.
If you keep a plant near you while you recover, you may be able to heal faster. Make sure someone can take care of the plant while you relax. You should be able to see the plant and breathe in its air without straining yourself.

5. Healthier Meals

You can grow plants indoors that you can then use for ingredients. Herbal plants like chives and mint are easy to grow and maintain. They contain plenty of nutrients and antioxidants, helping promote your cellular health.
Make sure you leave some leaves on your plant so it can perform photosynthesis. Give your plant an ample supply of water so it can last through all four seasons.

6. Decreased Depression

Horticultural therapy relies on plants and gardening to improve people’s mental health. It is used in clinical spaces all over the world, including for older people. Some people report feeling less depressed and anxious after using plants.
You can perform horticultural therapy on yourself. Buy a few different plants and create a schedule for caring for them. This benefits you and your plants. 
Try to care for your plants in the middle of the day. This gives you a break while engaging your attention. You can think about other things as you perform the productive task of watering your plants.

7. Increased Comfort

Plants can make your environment more comfortable in several ways. They can block noises from intruding through windows or walls. They can provide shade on hot summer days.
Big plants with thick leaves can screen off areas you don’t want to look at. They can also give you some privacy if you are sharing the room with someone else.
Think about how you can incorporate plants into your particular space. Look at the furniture and accessories and figure out where the plants should go. You may want to put them toward the centre of the room if you want to divide the room into two halves.

The Essentials of Indoor Plants

Indoor plants are very versatile. They can remove chemicals in the air, allowing you to breathe better. This can decrease your stress levels, especially if you get a nice-smelling plant.
Plants can increase your productivity if you keep them near you while you work. They may help your recovery process after an illness.
You can use herbs for healthy meals, and you can fight off certain signs of depression. You can divide a room into even parts and block harmful UV rays.


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